stackedev (Cengiz, Dube, Lindner, Zipperer 2019)

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation and options
  3. Test the command


The stackedev command is written by Joshua Bleiberg based on the Cengiz, Dube, Lindner, Zipperer 2019 QJE paper The effect of minimum wages on low-wage jobs.

The command is currently under active development so options might change around.

Installation and options

Install the command from SSC:

ssc install stackedev, replace

Take a look at the help file:

help stackedev

Test the command

Let’s run the basic stackedev command:

stackedev Y F_* L_* ref, cohort(first_treat) time(t) never_treat(no_treat) unit_fe(id) clust_unit(id)

which will show this output:

**** Building Stack 24 ****
**** Building Stack 34 ****
**** Building Stack 38 ****
**** Building Stack 56 ****
**** Appending Stacks ****
**** Estimating Model with reghdfe ****
(MWFE estimator converged in 2 iterations)
warning: missing F statistic; dropped variables due to collinearity or too few clusters
note: ref omitted because of collinearity

HDFE Linear regression                            Number of obs   =      3,060
Absorbing 2 HDFE groups                           F(  91,     49) =          .
Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity           Prob > F        =          .
                                                  R-squared       =     0.9974
                                                  Adj R-squared   =     0.9970
                                                  Within R-sq.    =     0.9896
Number of clusters (unit_stack) =         50      Root MSE        =     4.1332

                            (Std. err. adjusted for 50 clusters in unit_stack)
             |               Robust
           Y | Coefficient  std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
         F_2 |   .2173356    .429718     0.51   0.615    -.6462151    1.080886
         F_3 |   .1386198   .4137917     0.33   0.739    -.6929257    .9701654
         F_4 |  -.0771335   .4251788    -0.18   0.857    -.9315624    .7772953
         F_5 |  -.3127445   .3628929    -0.86   0.393    -1.042005    .4165161
         F_6 |  -.4361147   .4095256    -1.06   0.292    -1.259087    .3868578
         F_7 |  -.3144571    .526613    -0.60   0.553    -1.372726    .7438113
         F_8 |  -.1044745   .4800377    -0.22   0.829    -1.069146    .8601974
         F_9 |  -.1156501   .4238786    -0.27   0.786    -.9674661    .7361659
        F_10 |   .1485313   .4001261     0.37   0.712    -.6555522    .9526148
        F_11 |  -.2473913     .47278    -0.52   0.603    -1.197478    .7026957
        F_12 |  -.1452927   .4785819    -0.30   0.763    -1.107039    .8164536
        F_13 |   .1286208   .4821393     0.27   0.791    -.8402744    1.097516
        F_14 |   .1440072   .3947098     0.36   0.717    -.6491919    .9372063
        F_15 |   .3114543    .476962     0.65   0.517    -.6470368    1.269945
        F_16 |   .1721978   .5333658     0.32   0.748    -.8996409    1.244037
        F_17 |  -.7585561   .3663682    -2.07   0.044    -1.494801   -.0223118
        F_18 |   .0699152   .5175897     0.14   0.893    -.9702202    1.110051
        F_19 |  -.3875619   .2815699    -1.38   0.175    -.9533978     .178274
        F_20 |   .0638705   .4198326     0.15   0.880    -.7798146    .9075557
        F_21 |    .035372   .4097576     0.09   0.932    -.7880668    .8588108
        F_22 |  -.5763502   .4471311    -1.29   0.203    -1.474894    .3221933
        F_23 |   .1005642   .3572709     0.28   0.780    -.6173985     .818527
        F_24 |   4.715301   .9921569     4.75   0.000     2.721487    6.709115
        F_25 |   3.848972   .9570067     4.02   0.000     1.925795    5.772149
        F_26 |   3.885843   .9759061     3.98   0.000     1.924686    5.846999
        F_27 |   3.665572   .9574264     3.83   0.000     1.741551    5.589592
        F_28 |   3.629329   .9877625     3.67   0.001     1.644346    5.614312
        F_29 |   4.376366   .9749251     4.49   0.000      2.41718    6.335551
        F_30 |    4.38623   .9937478     4.41   0.000     2.389219    6.383241
        F_31 |    3.95357   .9964798     3.97   0.000     1.951069    5.956071
        F_32 |   4.131159   .9566808     4.32   0.000     2.208637    6.053681
        F_33 |   4.421442   .9615812     4.60   0.000     2.489073    6.353812
        F_34 |   3.870751   1.112861     3.48   0.001     1.634373     6.10713
        F_35 |   3.975567   1.073438     3.70   0.001     1.818414    6.132721
        F_36 |   3.999014   1.177784     3.40   0.001     1.632169     6.36586
        F_37 |   3.909786   .9581247     4.08   0.000     1.984363     5.83521
        F_38 |   .9388715   .8728544     1.08   0.287    -.8151952    2.692938
        F_39 |   1.211486   .7498948     1.62   0.113    -.2954839    2.718456
        F_40 |   1.025343   .8874642     1.16   0.254    -.7580827     2.80877
        F_41 |   1.526626    .606473     2.52   0.015     .3078726    2.745379
        F_42 |   1.434986   .8133947     1.76   0.084     -.199592    3.069564
        F_43 |   2.300906   .5985228     3.84   0.000      1.09813    3.503683
        F_44 |   2.221324   .7714936     2.88   0.006     .6709491    3.771698
        F_45 |   .4473907   .6918146     0.65   0.521    -.9428628    1.837644
        F_46 |   1.606906   .5320911     3.02   0.004      .537629    2.676183
        F_47 |   1.220467     .99843     1.22   0.227    -.7859536    3.226887
        F_48 |    1.43739   .6826501     2.11   0.040     .0655537    2.809227
        F_49 |   1.691145   .6603621     2.56   0.014     .3640975    3.018192
        F_50 |   .5937526   .5885007     1.01   0.318    -.5888838    1.776389
        F_51 |   1.543893   .5838527     2.64   0.011      .370597    2.717189
        F_52 |   1.815931   .5872599     3.09   0.003      .635788    2.996074
        F_53 |   1.176133    .679497     1.73   0.090    -.1893669    2.541634
        F_54 |   2.117263   .9070423     2.33   0.024     .2944931    3.940032
        F_55 |   1.314801   .5422668     2.42   0.019     .2250752    2.404527
         L_0 |   .0100481    .498877     0.02   0.984    -.9924828    1.012579
         L_1 |   8.452976   .4244544    19.91   0.000     7.600003    9.305949
         L_2 |   17.61775   .4799071    36.71   0.000     16.65334    18.58216
         L_3 |   25.91892   .5228491    49.57   0.000     24.86822    26.96962
         L_4 |   34.59866   .8042661    43.02   0.000     32.98243    36.21489
         L_5 |   41.79543   1.039745    40.20   0.000     39.70599    43.88488
         L_6 |   51.13859   1.248299    40.97   0.000     48.63004    53.64715
         L_7 |   59.47399   1.577942    37.69   0.000     56.30299    62.64498
         L_8 |   68.24786   1.654616    41.25   0.000     64.92278    71.57293
         L_9 |   76.25018   1.923937    39.63   0.000     72.38389    80.11648
        L_10 |   84.44234   2.230286    37.86   0.000     79.96041    88.92427
        L_11 |   92.93716   2.283911    40.69   0.000     88.34747    97.52685
        L_12 |   102.2659   2.653712    38.54   0.000      96.9331    107.5988
        L_13 |    109.776   2.872513    38.22   0.000     104.0034    115.5485
        L_14 |   118.1795   3.204707    36.88   0.000     111.7394    124.6196
        L_15 |   127.3586   3.358882    37.92   0.000     120.6086    134.1085
        L_16 |   136.1793   3.598478    37.84   0.000     128.9479    143.4107
        L_17 |   144.5375    4.00305    36.11   0.000     136.4931     152.582
        L_18 |   153.3496   3.928038    39.04   0.000     145.4559    161.2433
        L_19 |    161.894   4.237581    38.20   0.000     153.3783    170.4098
        L_20 |   170.1305   4.407902    38.60   0.000     161.2725    178.9885
        L_21 |    177.795   4.631182    38.39   0.000     168.4883    187.1017
        L_22 |   187.4496   4.907435    38.20   0.000     177.5878    197.3115
        L_23 |   202.3896   4.333513    46.70   0.000     193.6811    211.0981
        L_24 |    211.301   4.491664    47.04   0.000     202.2746    220.3273
        L_25 |   220.5574   4.807412    45.88   0.000     210.8965    230.2182
        L_26 |   230.0163   4.752343    48.40   0.000     220.4661    239.5665
        L_27 |   258.8725   1.506249   171.87   0.000     255.8456    261.8994
        L_28 |   270.2441   1.502177   179.90   0.000     267.2253    273.2628
        L_29 |   280.5032   1.489283   188.35   0.000     277.5104     283.496
        L_30 |   290.4652   1.590089   182.67   0.000     287.2698    293.6606
        L_31 |   298.6743   1.470175   203.16   0.000     295.7199    301.6288
        L_32 |   310.7671    1.43449   216.64   0.000     307.8844    313.6498
        L_33 |   319.9876   1.486439   215.27   0.000     317.0004    322.9747
        L_34 |    330.728   1.523338   217.11   0.000     327.6668    333.7893
        L_35 |   339.7674   1.475247   230.31   0.000     336.8028     342.732
        L_36 |   349.8512    1.53732   227.57   0.000     346.7618    352.9405
         ref |          0  (omitted)
       _cons |   47.28654   .5001833    94.54   0.000     46.28138    48.29169

Absorbed degrees of freedom:
 Absorbed FE | Categories  - Redundant  = Num. Coefs |
    id#stack |        51          51           0    *|
     t#stack |       240           0         240     |
* = FE nested within cluster; treated as redundant for DoF computation

In order to plot the estimates we can use the event_plot (ssc install event_plot, replace) command where we restrict the figure to 10 leads and lags:

	event_plot, default_look graph_opt(xtitle("Periods since the event") ytitle("Average effect") xlabel(-10(1)10) ///
		title("stackedev")) stub_lag(L_#) stub_lead(F_#) trimlag(10) trimlead(10) together 

And we get: