did2s (Gardner 2021)

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation and options
  3. Test the command


The did2s command is written by Kyle Butts based on the Gardner 2021 paper Two-stage differences in differences. A detailed description is provided in this blog post.

Installation and options

ssc install did2s, replace

Take a look at the help file:

help did2s

Test the command

Let’s try the basic did2s command:

did2s Y, first_stage(id t) second_stage(F_* L_*) treatment(D) cluster(id)

which will show this output:

                                     (Std. err. adjusted for clustering on id)
             | Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
         F_2 |   .2253244   .2301779     0.98   0.328     -.225816    .6764647
         F_3 |    .128698   .2333503     0.55   0.581    -.3286603    .5860563
         F_4 |  -.1034735   .2210323    -0.47   0.640    -.5366889    .3297418
         F_5 |   .0552204   .1918748     0.29   0.774    -.3208473     .431288
         F_6 |  -.1979187   .2018475    -0.98   0.327    -.5935326    .1976951
         F_7 |  -.1802993   .2217714    -0.81   0.416    -.6149633    .2543646
         F_8 |   .0756883   .1691673     0.45   0.655    -.2558736    .4072502
         F_9 |   .0365711   .2123039     0.17   0.863    -.3795369     .452679
        F_10 |   .0605167   .1902589     0.32   0.750     -.312384    .4334174
         L_0 |   .0791996   .2780198     0.28   0.776    -.4657091    .6241084
         L_1 |   8.619413    .330885    26.05   0.000      7.97089    9.267936
         L_2 |   17.63192   .4278901    41.21   0.000     16.79327    18.47057
         L_3 |   26.00454   .6601769    39.39   0.000     24.71061    27.29846
         L_4 |   34.69155   .9373878    37.01   0.000     32.85431     36.5288
         L_5 |   42.57469   1.320541    32.24   0.000     39.98648    45.16291
         L_6 |    51.8403   1.579579    32.82   0.000     48.74439    54.93622
         L_7 |   59.97723   1.914613    31.33   0.000     56.22466     63.7298
         L_8 |   68.85919   2.106164    32.69   0.000     64.73118    72.98719
         L_9 |   77.24698   2.323762    33.24   0.000     72.69249    81.80147
        L_10 |   85.82518   2.649239    32.40   0.000     80.63277    91.01759

In order to plot the estimates we can use the event_plot (ssc install event_plot, replace) command as follows:

	event_plot, default_look graph_opt(xtitle("Periods since the event") ytitle("Average effect") xlabel(-10(1)10) ///
		title("did2s")) stub_lag(L_#) stub_lead(F_#) together

And we get: