Stata packages

(Last updated: August 2024)

Stata packages are listed in alphabetical order. A list of R packages is given here.

Name Installation Package by Reference paper(s)
bacondecomp ssc install bacondecomp, replace Andrew Goodman-Bacon
Thomas Goldring
Austin Nichols
Goodman-Bacon (2021)
csdid ssc install csdid, replace Fernando Rios-Avila
Pedro H.C. Sant’Anna
Brantly Callaway
Callaway & Sant’Anna (2020)
csdid2 Instructions Fernando Rios-Avila Callaway & Sant’Anna (2020)
did2s ssc install did2s, replace Kyle Butts Gardner (2022)
did_multiplegt ssc install did_multiplegt, replace Clément de Chaisemartin
Xavier D’Haultfoeuille
de Chaisemartin & D’Haultfoeuille (2020)
de Chaisemartin & D’Haultfoeuille (2021)
did_multiplegt_dyn ssc install did_multiplegt_dyn, replace Clément de Chaisemartin
Diego Ciccia
Xavier D’Haultfoeuille
Felix Knau
Mélitine Malézieux
Doulo Sow
de Chaisemartin & D’Haultfoeuille (2024a)
de Chaisemartin et al. (2024c)
did_imputation ssc install did_imputation, replace Kirill Borusyak
Xavier Jaravel
Jann Spiess
Borusyak, Jaravel, Spiess (2024)
drdid ssc install drdid, replace Fernando Rios-Avila
Pedro H.C. Sant’Anna
Asjad Naqvi
Sant’Anna & Zhao (2020)
eventdd ssc install eventdd, replace Damian Clarke
Kathya Tapia-Schythe
Clarke & Tapia-Schythe (2022)
eventstudyinteract ssc install eventstudyinteract, replace Liyang Sun Sun & Abraham (2021)
fdid Instructions Jared Greathouse Li (2023)
fect Instructions Licheng Liu
Ye Wang
Yiqing Xu
Ziyi Liu
Liu, Wang, Xu (2022)
flexpaneldid ssc install flexpaneldid, replace Eva Dettmann
Alexander Giebler
Antje Weyh
Dettmann, Giebler, Weyh (2020)
hdidregress Stata 18 StataCorp Callaway & Sant’Anna (2020)
honestdid ssc install honestdid, replace Mauricio Caceres Bravo Jonathan Roth Rambachan & Roth (2023)
jwdid ssc install jwdid, replace Fernando Rios-Avila Nagengast, Rios-Avila, Yotov (2024), Wooldridge notes
lpdid ssc install lpdid, replace Alexander Busch
Daniele Girardi
Dube, Girardi, Jordà, Taylor (2023)
multe Instructions Mauricio Caceres Bravo
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham
Goldsmith-Pinkham, Hull, Kolesár (2024)
pretrends ssc install pretrends, replace Mauricio Caceres Bravo
Jonathan Roth
Roth (2022)
robustate ssc intsall robustate, replace Yuya Sasaki
Takuya Ura
Sasaki & Ura (2021)
sdid ssc install sdid, replace Damian Clarke
Daniel Pailañir
Arkhangelsky, Athey, Hirshberg, Imbens, Wager (2021)
sdid_event Instructions Diego Ciccia Ciccia (2024)
stackedev ssc install stackedev, replace Joshua Bleiberg Cengiz, Dube, Lindner, Zipperer (2019)
staggered_stata Instructions Jonathan Roth Roth & Sant’Anna (2023)
twowayfeweights ssc install twowayfeweights, replace Clément de Chaisemartin
Xavier D’Haultfoeuille
Antoine Deeb
de Chaisemartin & D’Haultfoeuille (2020)
wooldid ssc install wooldid, replace Thomas Hegland Wooldridge (2021)
xtevent ssc install xtevent, replace Simon Freyaldenhoven
Christian Hansen
Jorge Perez Perez
Jesse M. Shapiro
Freyaldenhoven, Hansen, Shapiro (2019)
yatchew_test ssc install yatchew_test, replace Clément de Chaisemartin
Diego Ciccia
Xavier D’Haultfoeuille
Felix Knau
Doulo Sow
Yatchew (1997)
de Chaisemartin and D’Haultfoeuille (2024b)

How to use Stata packages?

For individual packages, check their help files and websites linked about for documentation and examples. Some packages are also discussed in the Stata code section.

For using and plotting multiple DiD packages in Stata, the event_plot command (ssc install event_plot, replace) by Kirill Borusyak is highly recommended. It can combine results several estimators. See, for example this five different estimators figure where the code is given in the dofile. More information can be found on on Kirill’s GitHub.

The event_plot example has been extended twice:

Please note that different packages have different assumptions so use this carefully!