Asjad Naqvi

I am a Senior Economist at the Austrian Institute for Economic Research (WIFO) where I work on topics with a focus on climate change, finance, and trade using tools such as macroeconomic modeling and causal analysis. With a career spanning nearly two decades, I have worked at leading institutions including the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA), the Center for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP), and the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). I also regularly collaborate with the World Bank where I provide expertise on topics such as climate change, finance, debt, trade, nature, macro models, data management and data science.
I hold a Ph.D. in Economics from the New School for Social Research (New York) (2007-2012) and recieved my Habilitation in Economics fFrom the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) in 2020.